This data frame contains annual data on vehicle production statistics by country and type between the years 2006 and 2021 (inclusive) from the OICA. Standard country / area codes come from the United Nations Statistics Division. The table below shows a detailed description of each variable.



yearYear (2006 - 2021)
countryCountry name
typeVehicle type: pv = passenger vehicle, cv = commercial vehicle
nNumber of vehicles produced
regionCountry region (continent)
subregionCountry subregion
intermediate_regionCountry intermediate region
least_developedDummy variable; is country least developed?
land_locked_developingDummy variable; is country land-locked developing?
small_island_developingDummy variable; is country small island developing?
code_regionCountry region code
code_subregionCountry subregion code
code_intermediate_regionCountry intermediate region code
code_m49Country M49 code
code_iso_alpha2Country ISO alpha 2 code
code_iso_alpha3Country ISO alpha 3 code



#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#>    year country   type       n region   subregion            intermediate_region
#>   <int> <chr>     <chr>  <dbl> <chr>    <chr>                <chr>              
#> 1  2006 Argentina pv    263120 Americas Latin America and t… South America      
#> 2  2006 Argentina cv    168981 Americas Latin America and t… South America      
#> 3  2006 Australia pv    270000 Oceania  Australia and New Z… NA                 
#> 4  2006 Australia cv     60900 Oceania  Australia and New Z… NA                 
#> 5  2006 Austria   pv    248059 Europe   Western Europe       NA                 
#> 6  2006 Austria   cv     26873 Europe   Western Europe       NA                 
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: least_developed <dbl>, land_locked_developing <dbl>,
#> #   small_island_developing <dbl>, code_region <dbl>, code_subregion <dbl>,
#> #   code_intermediate_region <dbl>, code_m49 <dbl>, code_iso_alpha2 <chr>,
#> #   code_iso_alpha3 <chr>