R package for fast estimation of multinomial and mixed logit models with preference space and willingness to pay space utility parameterizations.

R package with tools for designing choice based conjoint (cbc) survey experiments and conducting power analyses.

R package for generating markdown-based surveys using Quarto shiny documents.

Wireless Corne
Build log and gallery of how I built my wireless Corne keyboard.

The Distillery
Distill website showcasing other distill websites and blogs.

R data package with tidy formatted data on vehicle production and sales from the International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers.

R package for rendering slides and other media into different formats, including html, pdf, png, gif, pptx, and mp4.

Bunch of reproducible charts. All data and source code are available at https://github.com/jhelvy/charts

GW Coders
Study group that brings together students and faculty to apply computational and data analytics skills in research.

Interactive R Shiny app for comparing layouts of different split mechanical keyboards. Built for the ergonomic keyboard community r/ErgoMechKeyboards.

λέξις (lexis)
Theme for xaringan slides with a light gray background, "Fira Sans Condensed" for headers, “Roboto” for body text.

Programming for Analytics in R
Open source text book on the fundamentals of programming and working with data in R.

Template for how to create a choice-based conjoint survey using the formr survey platform.

Iris Rev 2
Build log and gallery of how I built my Iris Rev 2 keyboard.