
This tool allows you to analyze documents for specific MAGA-targeted keywords. It is intended to be used to help identify words that might get screened by the federal government, e.g. in a grant proposal for federal funding. Upload a document, and the app will count words, characters, and occurrences of predetermined keywords.

Supported File Types:

How It Works

The analyzer extracts text from your document and searches for keywords from our predefined list. It then counts how many times each keyword appears in your document. That’s all - it’s pretty simple.

All of the calculations run locally in your web browser using web assembly. Whatever you upload isn’t stored or sent anywhere for processing, so you can upload even sensitive documents without worry. You can also run it locally on your computer if you want.

This site was built entirely using open-source tools. It uses the Quarto publishing system to build the website, the R programming language for logic, and the shiny web application framework to implement the R code, leveraging shinylive Quarto extension to run the whole thing in the browser as a static web page (thanks to @coatless for posting such a great tutorial on how to set this up). The site itself is hosted on GitHub pages, and the source code can be found at https://github.com/jhelvy/magaScreener.

Locally Running the App

You can run the app on your local machine without even being connected to the internet. To do so, follow these steps:

Install stuff

  1. Install R
  2. Install RStudio Desktop
  3. Install Quarto

Download and run the app

Once everything is installed, download the source code, then unzip the file and open the "magaScreener.Rproj" file. This should open RStudio.

Once open, click on the "index.qmd" file, then click the “render” button at the top of the RStudio application (it has a little blue arrow next to it). This should open a web browser from where you can then use the application.

Alternatively you can click on the "Terminal" window and run the following command:

quarto preview