Quant UX 2023 Workshop:
An Open Source Framework for
Choice Based Conjoint Experiments in R
John Paul Helveston
June 15, 2023
George Washington University
Part 1: Introduction
Introducing an open source workflow for conjoint analysis.
- What is conjoint analysis?
- Why ?
- High-level overview of open source workflow.
Part 2: Designing surveys
Using the {cbcTools} package to design and test conjoint surveys.
- Design of experiment.
- Simulating choices.
- Assessing power.
Part 3: Estimating models}
Using the {logitr} package to estimate logit models.
- Mixed logit models.
- WTP space models.
Part 4: Fielding surveys
Using the formr platform to field conjoint surveys online.
- Using RMarkdown to design a survey.
- Implementing a choice-based conjoint survey in formr.